Friday, 27 April 2012

Acr375 Days work is done , Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, 9 inches x 12 inches gallery wood,


Acr374 Waiting on the Boat for Captain Jay, Prospect Bay, Halifax, 5 inches x 10 inches stretched canvas

Acr373 Going for a ride in the old skiff, Safe Harbour, Lunenburg, 5 inches x 7 inches gallery canvas


Acr372 Looking Beyond , Lower St. George St., 8 inches x 8 inches gallery canvas


Acr371 Looking Across the River, Granville Ferry, 8 inches x 8 inches gallery canvas


SOLD Acr370 Granville Ferry Feflections 24 inches x 24 inches gallery canvas


Acr369 The Little Village of Prospect Bay, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 4 inches x 6 inches gallery canvas


Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Acr368 The Rhythm of Colour, near Chester, 20 inches x 40 inches stretched cnavas

                  More new work for my show at Swoon in October 1410 Hammonds Plains Road

Acr367 Fixing up the wharf, Digby, Nova Scotia, 4 inches x 12 inches gallery canvas


Acr366 City life in Halifax, 9 inches x 12 inches, gallery wood


Acr365 The Boys are working on their gear, near Chester, 30 inches x 24 inches gallery canvas


Acr364 Looking back at Daytona, Florida, 9 inches x 12 inches wood gallery

SOLD Acr363 Bar Harbour Inn, Maine, 4 inches x 6 inches gallery canvas

Acr362 View from Bar Harbour Maine 4 inches x 12 inches gallery canvs


Monday, 2 April 2012

Acr361 Down Town, 12 x 16 gallery wood

SOLDAcr360 Reminds me of Jelly Bean Row, Newfoundland, 3 inches x 3 inches gallery canvas

SOLD Acr359 Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, 3 inches x 4 inches wood

Acr358 Cole and Morgan Spinning Around on Their Buggy's, Wachula, Florida, 5 inches x 10 inches stretched canvas


Acr357, Hunny Waggn' Her Tail, St. Augustine Beach, Florida 6 inches x 8 inches gallery wood

Acr356 East Jeddore, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 16 x 20 gallery canvas

Acr355 Seal Cove, Grand Manan, New Brunswick, 6 inches x 24 inches gallery canvas